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10 AM TEA Proprietor, Linda Wong

Introducing 10AMTEA

Linda Wong, proprietor

Linda's professional career is accounting but she is also a busy entrepreneur who's passion is all about tea!   Accounting lead her to work in Nunavut, the North West Territories and Alberta.  Linda's parents were born in China but immigrated to Canada to open a grocery store with a fresh bakery, fresh fruits and vegetable section.  

Linda has also traveled extensively for business and pleasure.  Traveling for business often entailed attending conferences and special events where Linda was able to exchange ideas with people of many backgrounds.  She was very involved with this social networking, in particular, when it was over a cup of tea!  Linda was inspired by the conversations during this tea time and grew to love tea.  She began to see the connection of how drinking tea unites people and initiates brain-storming ideas and makes for an enlightened atmosphere.  She soon began to sample tea from all over the world and discovered how teas benefit people (from it's calming and meditative qualities to it's energizing effects).  Linda believes there is a tea for everyone!​

Linda now sources her teas worldwide and 10AMTEA ships tea anywhere in North America and other parts of the world!

Guatemala plaza

Searching for 10AMTEAS worldwide

Linda Wong, proprietor

Linda has sourced the teas that she markets from places she has been to, around the world.  She looks for the highest quality product, exquisite and delicate in flavor, sustainable crops and from fair trade growers and markets.  She has tasted many, many different teas and chooses only the best to share with her customers.

A short list of places she has travelled to and sampled various cultures and their teas are shown here but she she has seen more and will continue to travel for 10AMTEA 


Tea from Britain

A London, UK, food market

tea from Old Jerusalem, Israel

 Jerusalem, Israel

tea from Taiwan


tea from Wales


tea from Ireland


tea from Scotland


10 AM Tea Time

Wherever you may travel, make time for 10 AMTEA time

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